Firstfruits Offering | January 14, 2024

The objective of our Firstfruits Offering is to help Plainfield Christ Fellowship respond when God calls us to come alongside ministries that are fulfilling the assignment the Lord has given them. We are blessed to be connected to Kingdom ministries. 


Churches and families in Haiti under the spiritual supervision of Rev. Phyllis Newby will receive food during these desperate times. Rev. Steve Coder and Hand to the Plow Ministries assist Phyllis in this ministry. 


We are blessed to partner with Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez as he works with the elderly around Havana. His vision results from the decades of work he has done as a leader in the Assemblies of God in Cuba. He saw a need that was going unmet. It now receives his full time attention.


Leulseged Tesfaye has a unique ministry inside the Orthodox Church in Ethiopia. He is training priests as well as evangelical leaders in his native country. It is a blessing to help support him.


We are thankful to have the possibility of joining with India Gospel League under the oversight of Dr. Samuel Stephens. Pastor Taylor and Kindra have witnessed some of the amazing ministries occurring through IGL. The needs are great. We will be trusting the Lord as to how He wants us to sow into their efforts.

Evangel Voice Missions

EVM works to distribute Rev. Loran Helm’s autobiography in America and other nations. This will be a key year of outreach with the gospel of the Kingdom.

Local Ministries

We support a number of local ministries as the Holy Spirit leads. There are several that are meeting needs in our community. 

When we give this coming Lord’s day in response to the Holy Spirit’s guidance to our spiritual community, we are partnering with the Body of Christ at large. Our ongoing giving and tithing allows us to function as a church. Our firstfruits giving allows us to give to others.

Our goal is $21,000. We can achieve that together.

He has blessed us.

Pastor Jerry

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Select the "Firstfruits 2024" fund.